Capacity Building

Capacity & Building
India's education is in crisis, while policies such as the NEP 2020 are attempting to solve it, it requires a concentrated effort for capacity building at teachers level, if we want to prepare for the future"
Research shows that teacher effectiveness is one of the largest determinant of student success. Capacity is often thought of as a number, or how many teachers can we have to train how many children, but capacity of self-reflection, planning, critical thinking remains missing.
Before the students get ready to change the world, our teachers have to change the way we teach. For long we have relied on an exam and result based methodology to measure success in a classroom. Research shows that grades have no impact on success, but skills that the teachers deliver and students retain is what gives them success in life.
Prepare teachers to facilitate change on a personal, classroom and school-level.
We combine theory and practice so that teachers can develop education strategies to address the changing landscape of teaching and learning, as well as apply innovative approaches to new contexts that come up in a classroom
Teachers have long been looked at as guru's, that provide us with knowledge and skills, and our capacity building program invests in creating competitive teachers, thus investing in the future of our children.
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Empowering teachers to make a difference, our capacity building programs are designed to enable teachers with English language training where required, pedagogical courses, mentored activities and implementation practices. If you would like to know more about our program on how we can help you increase capacity in your institutes, district, state or university - do get in touch with us, and let's get talking on how we can solve this problem for you.

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Years or Younger

Skills in Deficit

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