General Questions
Are you only working in India?
Currently as we start our journey, we are working closely in India, as we move to our next steps, the globe is always our playground, but the vision of impacting children in 250,000 panchayats across India, is a huge task and something we are focusing on right now.
Why a STEM Approach?
While we know that India is known for it's Scientists and Engineers, Mathematicians and Technology teams, there is a huge disconnect in skill, employ-ability and how children learn at school. Our STEM based curriculum and tight integration with the Maker Philosophy helps us make learning fun and more engaging. While we also teach subjects such as English, Information technology, Culture, Reasoning and Business - our Focus stays with STEM primarily.
How can I associate?
You can help us raise money, donate for one of our causes, or help us connect with communities where we can deliver change. If you would like to come work for us or volunteer with us, check out our open positions on our website.
What is your relationship with MakersBox?
We started as a For Profit Company, and now have different paths. While our founder has played a critical role in building MakersBox, she is now focused on delivering change on the grass-root levels. MakersBox Innovations Private Limited (The For Profit Arm) still runs programs for schools, universities, and enables innovation through it's maker spaces. WE share the same passion and approach, but impact different communities.
How are you funded?
The first sent of funds have come from our Founding Members, and they are also raising funds from their families and friends. This is just a small step towards the journey we are taking, and we rely on donations by philanthropists, and other funding agencies who want to deliver change.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Currently MakersBox Foundation does not accept donations under 80G of the Indian Income tax. While we are working closely with the Government to get approvals for Tax Deductible donations, till such time no deduction on taxes can be claimed.
Can you accept International donations?
At this time we can only accept donations from an Indian Citizen or a Grant / CSR Body in India.