Education & Empowerment

Education & Empowerment
Data suggests that there will be 29 million skills in deficit by 2030. Recruiters hiring professionals with the ability to adapt to changing roles"
There exists a huge gap between the current status and the desired goals in terms of a skilled workforce and the foremost challenge is the huge proportion of poorly-trained workers in the informal sector—the largest employment generator in India
The mismatch between skill, academic training and employment has broadened to an extent where, on one hand, employers are unable to discover suitably trained people, and on the other, the youth is unable to find the kind of jobs they aspire for.
Learning to Learn is better than Learning. Students are now being trained for jobs that don’t exist anymore, and we can help change that.
Skilling has become a must for every working professional, and MakersBox Foundation with it's Integrated Curriculum based on the philosophy of Problem Based Solving, enables Atal Tinkering Labs, Maker Spaces, and Industrial Training Institutes to train using latest technologies.
Our experience with using Real Life problem solving to learn technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Programming and Hardware Solutions, not only opens up the possibilities of Make in India, but also Make for India
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Our proven methodology to implement an integrated curriculum with a solve it yourself self discovery approach leads to attentiveness in the classroom, and learning skills for a life time.

India Statistics


Years or Younger

Skills in Deficit

Businesses Can't Recruit