Learning Nooks

Learning Nooks
Having the ability to learn, be motivated to update your skills, is the only way to survive in the future that is full of unknown"
The pace of technical innovation and change in the way any work is done is happening at such a rapid pace, that at times people don't know where to start when it comes to skill development.
Engaging learners is also become a challenge in a typical classroom thanks to the socioeconomic changes that surround us. Even if we cross this bridge it is still not possible in a typical learning space (other than exams) to determine if students are learning.
Motivated Self learners that upgrade their skills, as need be is the only answer to survive in the near future.
Using a proven methodology of D.I.Y approach based on the Maker Philosophy, our Learning Hubs enable people to become life long learners.
Students learn latest technologies from Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Urban Farming to upgrading existing skills. Our Learning Hubs offer tools, technology, curriculum, assessment and global challenges for problem solving for student participation.
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Our learning spaces use a DIY Culture with Real Life problem solving, giving skills that enable our students to have the ability of reasoning, critical thinking and problem solving. If you are looking at building a Maker Space, or upgrading your Learning environment that prompts students to become self motivated learners, then send out a message to us, and let's get talking on how we can solve this problem for you.

India Statistics


Years or Younger

Skills in Deficit

Businesses Can't Recruit